To help you during this “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order here in Michigan, I’ve put together some enrichment activities for your dog(s), you and your little ones if you have any. All activities are dog focused!
Regardless what you decide to do, please be sure to get fresh air with your pup. It will do you a world of good!
Enrichment Activities for Your Dog(s)
Dogminded, a dog trainer based in Boston, created this graphic with tips on how to enrich your dog’s day. They have even more ideas on their website!

In addition to the ideas above, I wanted to share a few more:
- Make one of these 17 DIY dog toys [Care.com]
- Visit your local park and walk the trails, keeping a 6-foot distance
- Make homemade dog treats [PuppyLeaks.com]
- Order a puzzle toy on Amazon or see if your local pet store has curbside pickup (and grab more of their dog food while you’re there!) [Training by Jacqueline]
- Stuff yummy snack (like peanut butter without xylitol) into a Kong and freeze it [Dogminded] or put peanut butter in and apple [Pretty Fluffy]
- Watch YouTube videos on how to teach your dog a new trick [YouTube]
- Make one of these Easter dog-friendly treats [Pretty Fluffy]
- Order the Dog Activity Bundle for toys and treats [Bubs’ & Betty’s]
In-Home Activities for You
I wanted to provide a few at-home activities that a dog lover like you could enjoy:
- Check out a dog-related audiobook from your library. My library has an app called Libby that allows me to listen to audiobooks for free. The app has books like Dog is Love and Inside of a Dog!
- Watch a dog movie on Netflix [TheCinemaholic]
- Watch a dog movie on Disney+ [CinemaBlend]
- Order a dog book from your local book store. I purchased Wag by Zazie Todd online through 2 Dandelions Bookshop in downtown Brighton.
- Order a shirt or sweatshirt for yourself. I highly recommend Milford-based Bub’s & Betty’s – their Dogaholic crewneck sweatshirt is super cute!
- Make a paw print ornament for your Christmas tree later this year [Positively.com]
- Book a pet and family photo session with Christy Schulte Photography to get excited about and start planning during this quiet time [Christy Schulte Photography]
In-Home Activities for Your Little Ones
Do you have young kids who just love their dog(s)? Here are some fun crafts and activities to help them pass the time at home!
- Dog craft ideas [Childfun.com]
- Print out one of these dog coloring pages [Google]
- My 22-month-old daughter and my German Shepherd LOVE when I blow bubbles
- If your child can read, encourage them to read to your dog!
- Does your kid need to work on a stimulating project since they’re missing school right now? Ask them to do a book report on their favorite breed.
- Check out these lesson plans for grades 4-6 [American Veterinary Medical Association] or Preschool – 12th grade [AKC]